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Surveillance of geriatric patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis

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Original Article

Author Details : C Ananda Vayaravel

Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 128-133

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Background: The Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) is a promising tool for predicting nutrition-related issues in sub-acute care settings. The primary goal of this study was to verify the application of GNRI in elderly hospitalized patients by evaluating its predictive power of patient outcome using a comparison with the nutritional assessment and frequency of dialysis.
Aim and Objective : To study the surveillance in geriatric patients on maintenance of hemodialysis and to collect the demographic and blood sample from the patient, evaluate the blood sample using various technique. To assess the relationship between GNRI, dialysis frequency and adequacy.
Materials and Methods : It is a multi-speciality hospital -based cohort study. We enrolled patients, aged between 60-85 years undergoing maintenance hemodialysis patients were followed thrice a week .Nutritional risk index was assessed by the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI) adequacy of dialysis was calculated using Daugirdas dialyzer clearance of urea (Kt/V) method.
Results: The study population comprised 54 geriatric dialysis patients ranging from 60-85 years of age.57% of the chosen patient population had both diabetes mellitus and hypertension as co-morbid conditions. In contrast, 17% of the patients had only hypertension. 9% had only diabetes mellitus Rest of the patients presented with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, polycystic kidney disease and diabetic kidney disease as co-morbidities. Among these patients, 40% underwent twice-weekly dialysis and the remaining 60% underwent thrice-weekly dialysis.12% of these 54 patients were categorized as high risk on the GNRI, 9% as moderate risk and 22% of the patients were low risk. 57% of the patients were devoid of any risk on the GNRI. 43% of the study population fell in the normal BMI range between 18.5-24.9, whereas 33% were found to be overweight with their BMI ranging between 25-29.9, While 13% of the subjects were classified as being underweight with a BMI below 18.5,11% the patients were found to be obese (category4).
Conclusion: The observations from the current study indicate that more frequent and adequate dialysis likely enhances the standard of living and lowers the GNRI risk in elderly dialysis patients.
Keywords : Geriatric nutritional risk index, Frequency of dialysis, Adequacy, Elderly hemodialysis patient

How to cite : Vayaravel C A, Surveillance of geriatric patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. Int J Recent Innov Med Clin Res 2024;6(4):128-133

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